Two hands make one world

Welcome on our website!

Dear visitors and fanciers of travelling,

welcome to our website dedicated to our round the world trip!

Over the next months we will be improving our website, adding new content and presenting our plan and dream that we want to implement in 2015.

This website will not only be about travelling itself. We will also drag you into our lives and moments we are about to experience before our trip, during our trip and after our return back home.

Why we have this website and what you can read here

We wish our website could serve as a motivation to hesitating people being afraid to take a first step to the unknown. And we hope it could help everyone to set out for cognition and the beauties of life. Stay in touch with us right from the beginning of our big project till our return. Follow what is new with us and get to know new and interesting information.

welcomeDon’t know us yet? But interested who we are? Read something about us, about our hobbies and things we like beyond travelling. Maybe you find out we have something in common.

In case you know us and truly think there are no more racy stories about us to know, then take a look on our travel plan. This plan will guide you through several continents, introduce you about countries we desire to visit and open the places of which you might not know they existed.

In the course of time we will add a new content on this website. We would like to share with you posts about our motorbike holiday, citybreaks in European metropolitan areas and beautiful hikes along the Czech meadows and groves. Unfortunately we are not sure if we can make all of this before our trip starts. And in case we weren’t able to share these stories with you, don’t worry. We promise to at least upload stunning pictures to our photo gallery from these adventures. We believe photos can sometimes say more than very well described story.

Before our trip around the world you will also gradually get acquainted about what we have encountered during preparation, how good we manage to get our travel gear (where and what we are buying). And we will also give a short notice about our sponsors and bring many other interesting information.

Martina a Pavel

Tento příspěvek je také k dispozici v jazyce: Czech



Bookworm, great cook, food lover, big traveller and female.


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