Help people in need - even little can be a lot

Since we have had this idea to travel around the world we were thinking about how this project could also help in a different way. We do not want to only publish vacation pictures like the others travelling the world but we would like to help someone. As we plan to visit about 25 countries […]

Mexican Pyramids - interesting ruins

Mexican pyramids are maybe not the most known in the world but they definitely belong to one of the most important and interesting sites in the world. And of course we couldn’t miss them. During the time we spent in Mexico we have visited many archeological sites and Mesoamerican pyramids and Mayan Ruins were among […]

Puebla, Oaxaca and Mérida - scenic historical cities of Mexico

Our wandering along Mexico led us to old city of Puebla but we also experienced lovely moments in Oaxaca and then went through a super heat in Merida. But no matter what Puebla, Oaxaca and Mérida are definitely worth a visit and we enjoyed our stay in all of these cities. Puebla Puebla is a […]

100 days on the Trip Around the World - amazing moments

Let’s celebrate!!!! We are 100 days on the trip around the world today! It’s unbelievable but our expedition is still only in one fifth of its length. 😉 What we have have experienced within those 100 days on our trip around the world and what all we have achieved you may find in the short […]

Mexico City - the largest metropolitan area in America

Mexico City was our first destination in Mexico. Arrival went smoothly but very thoroughly because of the anti-drug controls. The city itself is a real metropolis even from the airplane perspective, it is really huge and Mexico City is the largest metropolitan area by population in America and the entire western hemisphere. What surprised us […]

Our feelings about Peru - country full of beautiful places

We traveled Peru within 20 days in total. We visited beautiful, mysterious and interesting places. And we also had the opportunity to meet many people. Thanks to travelling Peru we gained many experiences and now we would like to share our feelings about Peru with you. Infrastructure and transportation Peruvian roads are nice and most […]

Machu Picchu and Aguas Calientes - genuine jewel of Peru

Our trip around the world leads us to the places we have always wanted to visit. Machu Picchu is one of them. And because we always try to write our posts in interesting and usable way for other travelers we promise that this time won’t be different. Below you may find many interesting and valuable […]

Maras and Moray - salt fields and incredible structure

We do not mind changing our plans therefore our trip around the world was enriched two interesting places located around Cusco. These places are Maras and Moray. And it was more interesting than we expected because we were lucky to visit a place where local women showed us how they manufacture alpaca clothes with natural […]

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